Making Sure Your Child Has Two Good Parents

Anderson, Creager and Wittstruck, P.C., L.L.O.
Child with parents outdoors

Divorce can be one of the most difficult experiences a family can face. It’s important to remember that during this time, your children are still your priority. As two individuals transitioning from being married to being divorced, there are certain behaviors you can exhibit for the sake of your kids.  

Co-parenting effectively helps ensure your children are supported post-divorce. Our attorneys at Anderson, Creager and Wittstruck, P.C., L.L.O. understand the sensitive nature of divorces that involve children. We have the necessary resources and experience to help you and the other parent learn to put your children first and co-parent successfully. With an office in Lincoln, Nebraska, we serve clients throughout Cass County, Seward County, Lancaster County, Saline County, Gage County, and Saunders County.  

Divorce: Putting Your Children First   

Divorce does not have to mean war between you and your former partner. Although you may be separating from each other, you are both still parents of the same child or children. Therefore, it’s critical to do what you can to help each other rather than pitting your child against each other. Working together and supporting one another will help your child’s development now and in the long run.   

It’s always beneficial for children when their parents can get along and support each other in parenting decisions. Even though you are no longer together, maintaining an open line of communication with the other parent will provide a great opportunity for a consistent approach when it comes to raising your children. This way, everyone will feel more secure knowing that both parents are working together towards similar goals.   

Naturally, people going through a divorce disagree about many issues. However, if these disagreements take place in front of the children, it could have detrimental effects on their mental and emotional well-being. They should never feel like they have to choose between their parents because they love them both equally. While there may be times when it feels impossible not to argue in front of them, try your best not to. Putting your kids’ needs first should be everyone’s priority during this trying time in life.   

Tips for Co-Parenting Post-Divorce  

Here are some tips for how to co-parent post-divorce: 

1. Create and Maintain Boundaries  

Establish boundaries between you and your ex-spouse post-divorce. This includes setting expectations surrounding communication and interactions between the two of you, as well as how much time each parent spends with the child or children involved. You should also focus on separating parenting decisions from any unresolved feelings or issues that may have resulted from the divorce itself. Setting boundaries will help minimize conflict and help to make sure both parents are respected and involved in their children’s lives.  

2. Focus on Your Children’s Needs  

Divorce can be difficult for everyone involved, but it’s especially hard on the children of divorced parents. It is important to put aside any negative feelings towards your ex-spouse so that you can fully focus on what your children need from both of their parents. Be sure to talk to them about their feelings openly and supportively, as well as celebrate their successes together whenever possible. Doing this will show your kids that even though you are no longer married, you both still love them deeply and care about all aspects of their well-being.  

3. Communicate With Your Ex-Spouse Regularly   

No matter how uncomfortable it may be at times, regular communication with your ex-spouse is key when it comes to co-parenting effectively post-divorce. Find ways to communicate with one another without letting emotions get in the way. Try writing emails or scheduling regular meetings via video chat if talking face-to-face isn’t an option for either of you yet. It’s also important to remember that communication does not have to be limited to just discussing parenting topics—you can also use it as an opportunity to check in with one another about how everyone is doing overall during these difficult times.  

How a Family Law Attorney Can Help  

A divorce that involves children is never easy. However, you do not have to face divorce or post-divorce co-parenting issues alone. You can hire a family law attorney. Hiring a family law attorney can make co-parenting post-divorce more effective in many ways. 

  • An attorney will help make the divorce as amicable as possible. A family law attorney can help make the divorce as amicable as possible so that parents do not have to involve themselves in legal battles that could waste time, money, and energy. Additionally, an attorney will help ensure that all of their clients’ rights are being respected while also working towards maintaining a positive relationship between both parties going forward. This is particularly important when there are children involved since it sets an example for them about how to handle disagreements in civil ways.  

  • An attorney will look out for the best interests of the children and family. A family law attorney will take into consideration what is best for the entire family’s welfare when making decisions about child custody arrangements or other matters related to the divorce process, such as property division or alimony payments. They understand how complex these matters can be and strive to ensure that everyone involved feels heard and respected.  

  • An attorney will provide guidance along the way to ease tensions and keep matters civil. Divorces can easily become emotionally charged, which makes communication difficult. However, having an experienced third party present to mediate between both parties during negotiations or mediation can help keep conversations civil by providing clarity on matters that may otherwise become emotionally charged. An attorney will also provide guidance throughout the entire process so that individuals know what to expect at each step of the way, which helps reduce stress levels and allows them to focus on what really matters – their children and their future together as a newly-formed, blended family unit.   

No one ever wants to think about getting divorced. However, if your marriage has reached its end, then it is important to remember that you do not have to go through it alone.  

Don’t Face Divorce Alone. Call Today. 

Divorce is not easy on anyone involved, especially not your kids. Even if you and your ex-spouse are no longer together, you still need to make sure that you are able to co-parent constructively. If you are going through a divorce involving children, our attorneys at Anderson, Creager and Wittstruck, P.C., L.L.O. can help. Reach out to our office today to discuss your situation.